Mindset to Market: Holistic Business Tools for Solopreneurs with Deborah C. Smith

#52 - Why Email Marketing Works & 5 Steps to Get Started Today

Deborah C. Smith Season 1 Episode 52

Join the Live Webinar: How to Add 250 Subscribers in 30 Days:

Thought email marketing was dead or an "old fashioned" marketing strategy in 2025? 

I'd like to convince you otherwise. 

With the rise of AI driven platforms and so many ways to "sell", you may think email is just an outdated way to connect that's only being used by us GenX ladies who've been at it forever - but au contraire my friend! 

In this episode I'm going to break down for you:

  • Why email marketing is still a power strategy for solopreneurs 
  • 5 steps to run your own email marketing operation 
  • long term strategies to keep growing your list with new subscribers 
  • how to get started right away 

Listen to this episode right before you're about to sit down and build yourself a new landing page or work on your new lead magnet to get inspired!

If you have not already set up an email marketing system to help grow your small business, get started today using KIT, my recommendation for best-in-class Email Service Providers by a landslide (and I've used them all!).

Check out KIT's Creator Network here!

Mindset to Market is a Luminous Creative Production. If you'd like to learn more about our business coaching program and group coaching container, please visit us online at DeborahcSmith.com.

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Mindset to Market is produced by Deborah C. Smith and designed to inspire and support big-hearted creatives in finding their own unique path, building a sustainable business, and creating financial, spiritual, mental wellness and abundance.

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